Em artigo muito interessante no boletim “ Daily analysis”, do Council on Foreign Relations de Nova York ,Greg Bruno escreveu sobre a redução da presença da Al Qaeda no Iraque.Transcrevo os dois parágrafos mais expressivos:
“There’s a consensus in post-Saddam Iraq that after five years of conflict, violence is tapering off. U.S. combat deaths are at their lowest levels in months (AFP), and attacks on Iraqi civilians are on the wane. These "still fragile security gains," as the top U.S. commander in Iraq calls them, are attributable to many factors, including political progress and extra U.S. troops. But among the most celebrated has been the taming of the Sunni insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq. The group is linked to the attack on UN headquarters in Baghdad (nota: há cinco atrás ,em que morreu o grande brasileiro Sérgio Vieira de Melo) and many high-profile suicide bombings since then.To be sure, the group can still be lethal—U.S. military officials blamed al-Qaeda in Iraq for an early August suicide car bombing in Tal Afar that killed dozens (AP). But recent reports that the group's leaders have fled to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region—and may be taking new recruits (WashPost) with them—have bolstered a sense that the current peace in Iraq may hold.”
“There’s a consensus in post-Saddam Iraq that after five years of conflict, violence is tapering off. U.S. combat deaths are at their lowest levels in months (AFP), and attacks on Iraqi civilians are on the wane. These "still fragile security gains," as the top U.S. commander in Iraq calls them, are attributable to many factors, including political progress and extra U.S. troops. But among the most celebrated has been the taming of the Sunni insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq. The group is linked to the attack on UN headquarters in Baghdad (nota: há cinco atrás ,em que morreu o grande brasileiro Sérgio Vieira de Melo) and many high-profile suicide bombings since then.To be sure, the group can still be lethal—U.S. military officials blamed al-Qaeda in Iraq for an early August suicide car bombing in Tal Afar that killed dozens (AP). But recent reports that the group's leaders have fled to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region—and may be taking new recruits (WashPost) with them—have bolstered a sense that the current peace in Iraq may hold.”
Um comentário:
Caro Embaixador,
Tudo indica que o grosso das tropas americanas estão com data marcada para 2011 para deixar o Iraque. Se a coisa andar neste ritmo, será sem dúvida uma grande vitória do legado Bush, apesar de todas as opiniões em contrário. Se eles conseguirem o mesmo resultado de estabilidade no dueto Afeganistão-Paquistão, será então um estrondo. Significaria que três países que, independente da linha política e da colaboração de seus governos, estavam na lista de redutos razoavelmente seguros para possíveis terroristas, estariam neutralizados pela ação americana.
Um recado e tanto para os simpatizantes do terrorismo, e golpe duro nos que propunham a negociação ao enfentamento. Obama deve ganhar as eleições este ano. Curioso será vê-lo lidar com as questões do Irã, Coréia do Norte, e agora da Rússia. Se a política de Bush vencer no Iraque, Afeganistão e Paquistão, e o político queridinho do globo fracassar em conter os exaltados da vez, veremos Bush-Obama como a reedição, invertida, de Chamberlain-Churchill.
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